Diligence wong deso about us: srr handbags handicraft collection in the village kaligung

KALIGUNG is the name of a village in the region ROGOJAMPI, BANYUWANGI regency, East Java province, INDONESIA, located in the vicinity of the strait of Bali, the majority of the population were craftsmen all beaded bags and beaded jewelry such as elastic belts, necklaces, bracelets, rings etc.,
of perseverance them, whether they are old - young, male female, they complement each other, and busy with their respective sections, so as to create good cooperation between them, we place the facilities already available and very adequate for the production, but very little in terms of marketing our range, it is the hope.
hopefully with through this medium can enhance customer and we can work together with good, and then when is that you enjoy the performances and are interested in our products, and certainly we will always provide the best for You, hopefully you have days a pleasant and always the best at a later date, thank you very much ..

Our people usually produces receives an order from Bali, they use our people for production on demand orders from foreign visitors, and they are their businati vity is the direct and from first hand.

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